Caviar Wholesale Process


Caviar is a delicacy enjoyed by people all over the world, and it is often associated with luxury and sophistication. The wholesale process of caviar is an intricate and complex system that involves many different steps and organizations. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the wholesale process of caviar and examine the different organizations involved.

Caviar Harvesting

The first step in the wholesale process of caviar is the harvesting of the eggs. By carefully removing the eggs from the ovaries of female sturgeon fish, which are then immediately placed in a solution of salt to cure them. The harvesting process is typically done by a dedicated team of trained professionals, who work under strict guidelines to ensure that the eggs are harvested in the most ethical and sustainable way possible.

Caviar Processing

Once the eggs have been harvested, they are transported to a processing facility where they are carefully cleaned and sorted. The processing facility is typically run by a specialized organization that has expertise in the handling and processing of caviar. The eggs are sorted based on their size, color, and texture, and any eggs that are damaged or of low quality are discarded.

Caviar Packaging

After the eggs have been processed, they are packaged for wholesale distribution. The packaging process is typically done by a separate organization that specializes in the packaging and distribution of food products. The eggs are carefully placed in small jars or tins and sealed to ensure freshness and quality. The packaging may also include labeling and other information about the product, such as the grade, origin, and processing date.

Caviar Distribution

Once the caviar has been packaged, it is ready for distribution to wholesalers and retailers. This is typically done by a separate organization that specializes in the distribution of high-end food products. The caviar may be transported by air, sea, or land, depending on the location of the wholesaler or retailer. The organization responsible for distribution will ensure that the caviar is transported in a way that maintains its freshness and quality.

Caviar Sales

Finally, the caviar is sold to retailers, restaurants, and other buyers. This is typically done by specialized organizations that have experience in the sale of luxury food products. These organizations may operate online marketplaces, physical stores, or both. They may also work directly with wholesalers or distributors to ensure that the caviar is delivered to the end consumer in the most efficient and timely manner possible.


The wholesale process of caviar is a complex and intricate system that involves many different organizations. From harvesting and processing to packaging, distribution, and sales, each step is carefully managed by specialized organizations that have expertise in their respective fields. The result is a high-quality product that is enjoyed by people all over the world.

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