Health benefits of Caviar

Caviar is one of the most well-known delicacies in the world, but what exactly is caviar? These small fish eggs are extracted from female sturgeon fish and then washed and cured in salt. The reason behind the steep price tag caviar holds lies in the rarity of the fish it is procured from. As mentioned earlier, caviar comes from the female sturgeon fish. Although there are around 27 species of sturgeon fish, they are currently endangered, making them a protected fish species. The rarity of the fish and the high demand for caviar makes it so expensive, while the taste makes it such a delicacy. 

Caviar not only elevates dishes by adding a luxurious flavor to it, but caviar is also rich in Selenium and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential to one’s health. Along with this, caviar also boasts a wide variety of essential micronutrients: Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin E, Iron, and Zinc. These health benefits of caviar, combined with its delectable taste, make it more desired everywhere. 

How to store and eat caviar

Caviar should always be chilled before serving and stored in the refrigerator between -2 to 2 degrees Celsius. Regarding shelf life, caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for around three weeks if unopened and should be consumed within 48 hours after it has been opened. 

When you’re ready to eat the caviar, take it out from the refrigerator, and use a coin to twist open the cap of the caviar. Once opened, you should always observe your caviar; the caviar’s color can range from light to dark brown or even sometimes a gold color. Along with observing the color of the caviar, you should also look to ensure that the caviar is firm and in one piece; caviar should never come smashed or squished. 

After your observation, it’s time to taste the caviar. Use a mother-of-pearl spoon to scoop the caviar onto the back of your hand in between your thumb and index finger. We use a mother-of-pearl spoon to ensure that the spoon does not alter the flavor of the caviar. The flavor of caviar is very delicate, and a metal spoon will give the caviar a metallic taste which we do not want; a mother-of-pearl spoon allows one to enjoy the natural flavor of the caviar. The caviar taste using a mother-of-pearl spoon should be rich, buttery, and slightly salty, but not overly salty. After assessing the flavor of your caviar, you can pair it with other items to explore further what caviar tastes. Here is a simple recipe you can start with while experimenting with that caviar. 

The Health Benefits of Caviar 

1. Improves Skin Health 

The omega-3 fatty acids in caviar can improve skin quality. DHA from caviar produces an anti-inflammatory effect which aids in skin health and can also restore the natural firmness of your skin. Along with this, it also promotes the production of collagen, which greatly reduces skin aging. A 2020 study showed “caviar extract and its constituent DHA in skin anti-aging, showing that it could have potential as a functional cosmetic ingredient.” 


2. Anti-cancer Effect

As mentioned above, caviar also contains selenium. Selenium is shown to have properties that prevent the growth of cancer cells. They get rid of toxins and other harmful substances in your body. Selenium also has antioxidant properties that aid against premature aging, heart disease, and cancer. 


3. Improves Heart Health

The omega-3 fatty acids also aid with heart health. These acids may reduce inflammation in one’s body. Inflammation causes damage to the blood vessels, which can lead to heart disease, strokes, and other issues with the heart. 


These are only a few health benefits that caviar brings to the table. These reasons and the luxurious taste make caviar a delicacy that many desire. We have a premium selection of high-quality caviar and everything you need to give you the best experience. Our Premier Selection Kaluga Reserve Caviar is the signature selection from KAIVIAR. The pearls are large and firm, with a natural golden shimmering tone and a creamy, buttery, rich palate. Our Royal Ossetra Caviar is the most coveted in the world. The pearls are medium to large-sized and firm. Beautiful onyx black to soft gold with a luxuriously smooth texture, robust nutty flavor, and a buttery finish.

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