Caviar Scrambled Egg Toast Recipe


Caviar Scrambled Egg Toast Recipe 

Caviar is a delicacy that you must try! The classic way to eat caviar only consist of a few ways that include eating it by itself, pairing it with wine, or adding caviar to a cracker. However, when you go out an buy a tin of caviar, unless you’re sharing it at a party, you always end up with leftovers. With the short expiration date of opened caviar, you scramble to find some way to eat it before it goes bad, and you end up stumbling upon this page. In this recipe, you will find a new way to enjoy caviar!



  1. Use a whisk or a fork to beat and mix the eggs until the whites and yolk become homogeneous  
  2. Spread a layer of butter on both sides of the bread, and pan fry the bread over medium heat for about 2 minutes on each side, until a golden brown crust forms on  both sides of the bread 
  3. Remove the bread from the pan and clean off any remaining crumbs. 
  4. Heat the saucepan over medium heat and drop in the butter once the pan is hot. 
  5. Once the butter is melted, move the pan around to ensure that the entire pan is coated with the butter so that the eggs won’t stick.
  6. Add in the eggs and continue stirring the eggs in the pan with a wooden or silicone spatula to form a soft scramble.
  7. Drop the heat to low and continue to mix the eggs. 
  8. Remove the eggs when they’re slightly under (they will continue cooking with the residual heat even after you remove them)
  9. Add the soft scrambled eggs to your toast and top with as much caviar as you want! (recommended 1-2 tsp)

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